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Candidates are part of a selection process that includes tests of basic programming and English language skills.


Our focus is on searching and selecting candidates, based on a deep understanding of specific needs. We establish connections with interest groups to facilitate outreach.


Our focus is on searching and selecting candidates, based on a deep understanding of specific needs. We establish connections with interest groups to facilitate outreach.


Candidates are assessed based on their basic theoretical knowledge in programming, data structures, and role-specific aspects.


Our focus is on searching and selecting candidates, based on a deep understanding of specific needs. We establish connections with interest groups to facilitate outreach.


Candidates are assessed based on their basic theoretical knowledge in programming, data structures, and role-specific aspects.


We initiate a strategic process aimed at providing new knowledge to enhance both employee and company performance.


Those who successfully complete the activities and demonstrate improvements in both their knowledge and interpersonal skills (soft skills) will be hired.

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Copyright © Hedy Software 2024

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